Monday, April 13, 2009

Buying a press

I'm still thinking about various ways to narrow down my website topic of letterpress printing. I've thought about focusing on regional information/printers/presses and also on community print shops and how to open and run one, and now I am also considering writing about various types of presses and how and where to purchase presses. This kind of guide to buying a press would be really fun and useful for me as I have been wanting to find my own press for a long time now, and one of the aspects I like so much about letterpress printing is the presses themselves and learning how to operate these huge antiquated machines. But I don't know that much about purchasing a press and what to look for, so this would take considerable research. Though it would be research that I personally want to do someday regardless of this class, so maybe it would be useful to do it now for this website project.


  1. This is exciting! My friends run a printing press.

    I don't think they have much info on buying one, but there are some pretty cool pictures.

  2. Wow, this is great. I really liked learning about presses in "History of the Book," but I've never seen one. I know some local writers who might know about anyone operating presses in the area - I'll see if I can find out any locations!

  3. Buying a press does seem like a natural and useful subject to include on your site, especially if you're thinking about pursuing the idea for yourself anyway. If it does turn out to be tooo much work for the purposes of this class, that seems okay too; it looks like your site will have enough other content that it won't appear to lack anything.

  4. The whole idea of old printing presses is romantic of a time when owning one meant you had a voice, some level of power in society. Unfortunately, that sometimes resulted in getting decapitated. But if you didn't get caught, you could give dissent a voice that is instrumental to social change.
